Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Video: 'Pissing' Against the Wall

I came across this a few weeks ago, and I just thought I share this insightful sermon...

You know, I've checked out Steven Anderson's website and a few of his videos on YouTube, and I have to admit that although I disagree with this man's overall theology and praxis on so many levels (it is at some points ridiculous), I think like him. Granted, there are some ways that the man couldn't be more wrong, but Anderson is definitely dedicated to preaching the Gospel. In fact, I don't think that he would like neither me nor my theology at all, but I would be proud to call him my brother in Christ. He's definitely a King James-Only Independent Fundamentalist, but he is working hard at his role as an Evangelist and Preacher.

We need to be sure that we don't forget what is the most important in life and ministry. I'm reminded of Augustine's exhortation: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

I guess the hard part is differentiating between the "essentials" and the "non-essentials." Where's the line?